Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stephanie & Alex: PDX Fashion Week

Yes, yes, yes ya’ll. If you didn’t know, Portland Fashion Week took place last week. Monday was the most anticipated show of the week, entitled, “The Collections.” An expert from the night’s pamphlet explains: “The Collections is a Portland, Oregon-based group of 10 designers with a unique history and aesthetic. Since the first small Seaplane fashion show in 2000, this group has been crucial to the development of Portland’s creative community and economy. The Collections designers consistently produce fashion that inspire and challenges.” THR3 was there as a credentialed photographer. With only a modest Olympus FE-190, THR3 was working hard, along with the professional photographers; during the show to get a few shots which best represented the evening’s collections. Afterwards THR3 was able to get a few onions from some of Portland’s fashion goers.

NAME: Stephanie (in white, right)
AGE: 21
TIME: 17:19
DATE: Oct. 22, 2007
LOCATION: PDX Fashion Week After-Party

THR3: What brings you to the PDX fashion show?

S: I am a student at the Art Institute of Portland, in fashion design. I came to see what was out there.

THR3: Do you have any friends or associates who are designers? Did any of them display their collections this evening?

S: My teacher, Sharon Blair. Her label is named Blairwear. And one of my friends works for Ana Cohen.

THR3: What was your favorite piece this evening, or favorite collection?

S: I had a lot of favorites, it was an amazing show. However, I absolutely loved Elizabeth Dye’s collection. But really, all the collections were great. It is hard to choose.

THR3: Was there any one piece in particular that blew you away?

S: The “Glass Slipper” [from Kate Tower’s collection, see picture below] was simply amazing.

THR3: It is fair to assume you want to get into clothing design then?

S: Yes. I am graduating this fall.

THR3: Congratulations. What is next on the horizon for you?

S: Not sure…wherever designing leads me.

THR3: Aside from designing and fashion, what else in going on in your life that is reason to celebrate?

S: I just got married. July 14th.

THR3: Congratulations again. Sounds like you are winning at life.

S: [laughs] Yes, I guess I am.

At this point Stephanie’s friend entered. Curious, she wanted to know to whom her friend was speaking. However, to her surprise, she ended up being coaxed into an interview.

NAME: Alex (in black, left)
AGE: 22
TIME: 17:25
DATE: Oct. 22, 2007
LOCATION: PDX Fashion Week After-Party

THR3: Do you go to the Art Institute too? Along with your friend?

A: I did. I actually I just graduated. Well…I kind of did. I have one class left until it is official. The dreaded Senior Seminar.

THR3: What brought you to tonight’s show?

A: I designed the logo for PDX Fashion Week. I was able to get to know the people that were running it, and I wanted to come and check it out. Also, I am interested in the fashion scene because I am an aspiring fashion designer myself.

THR3: Are you from Portland?

A: I am actually from Eugene. I left Oregon for a while, and then when I decided to come back to the Northwest I moved to Portland and went to the Art Institute. Most likely, I will stay here from another year or two, and then I want to venture off and experience different things. But, I can see myself ending up here because I like it a lot.

THR3: Why is that?

A: It is a cool place. It is so laid back and anything goes. I think a lot of people are attracted to that.

THR3: You said you were an aspiring fashion designer. Where do you take your inspiration from?

A: Basically anything I see can inspire me. It changes everyday. I never have one source of inspiration that I look towards. I look at fashion magazines a lot. However, I do not look at the designs necessarily; I look at the style of photography, and placement of products, etc. I really like everyday life. I can be inspired by anything. Even walking down the street I can see a rock and think, “Wow. That is a really cool rock.” And draw a variety of ideas from it.

THR3: What is next on your plate? What do you have cooking in that pot of yours?

A: The next thing cooking is to find something that can make me some money. Eventually, I want to have my own line. But it takes a lot to get there. In the meantime, I am looking for a job so I can get some money under my belt until I am ready to start my own thing.

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